"The Blind see, lame walk, lepers cleansed, deaf hear, dead are raised up and the gospel preached to the poor" - Matt: 11:5 - Matt: 11:5

"And when the evening came, they brought to Him many possessed with devils and He cast out the spirits with the word, and healed all that were sick" - Matt: 8:11

Divine and Healing meetings are held in and around, urban and rural areas and widely conducted around the globe, with a view to meet the ultimate needs of the people irrespective of caste, creed, & diversified problems. Be it, frustration, depression, disappointment, incurable disease, doctors helplessness, brokenness, witchcraft, the Divine meetings help the people to experience transformation in their body, soul, and spirit and to lead a better and a hopeful life.

“And He said unto them Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” -Mk 16: 15

Healing Stripes Ministries and the entire outreach team goes about carrying the resurrected power of Jesus to those villages where the gospel of Jesus Christ has never been heard in their life time.

The team pitches in the neglected villages and draws the attention of the village folk by playing sophisticated instruments and singing the life transforming songs in their dialects.

Though people are not literate, yet they experience the unique move of God. Instantaneously people witnessing the miracles performed by the hands of Jesus Christ are being set free from their bondages; first and fore most people receive the greatest miracle of salvation.

In spite of various religious obstacles, with the power, strength, and might of our savior we are able to draw souls to the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

During our special gathering in the city and villages, we feed the poor and the downtrodden with food. The used and the good clothes are washed neatly, ironed, and handed over to the needy.

Guidance and counseling cells have been catering sincerely to the needs of the poverty and problem stricken people, at free of cost, with a view to rebuild their brokenness.

Prayers are offered

1. To bring about peace in the minds and hearts' of the people
2. For the establishment of peace, harmony, and prosperity in and around the world
3. For various ministries holding offices in the Government
4. To give hope and confidence to people for a better prospective in their lives.

“Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, come, ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked and ye clothed me: I was sick and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.” Mt.25: 34-37

Healing Stripes Mercy Ministry, team is involved in this mission all year round.

This comprises of Visiting & supporting

1. Home for the aged
2. Orphanages
3. Lepersoriums
4. Hospitals

“And when the day of the Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting” Acts 2: 1-2

Our central church is located in Bangalore where the like-minded redeemed believers gather for fellowship and prayers. This is our main hub for different wings of the ministry. The anointed strong word is preached and practiced at this center of worship.

The youths are anointed by the Lord and they have the potential and dynamic power from the Lord to minister to the younger generations. The church leadership plans with fasting and prayer. Every act and every move is well discerned along with the scriptures. The Lord has raised youngsters to lead the youths, Sunday school, praise and worship. This is done to develop an intimidated relationship with God the Almighty and thereby to restore the souls from various sins and addiction. The Healing Stripes Choir and Musicians sing praises to God, which touch people like spearheads. Glory unto the Lord and we praise God for these wonderful and dedicated youths. Education, clothing, and ventures are implemented to solve various personal problems of the members of the church.

There are affiliatedchurches with our church ministries.As the word is preached people arehealed and set free by the AlmightyPower of God, during the servicepeople get charged with the powerfrom on high and in turn they impartthis anointing and God's power onpeople they come in contact. Praisethe Lord! For His goodness andkindness endures forever. Newchurches are planted where churchesdo not exist, particularly in therural areas.

There are affiliated churches with our church ministries. As the word is preached people are healed and set free by the Almighty Power of God, during the service people get charged with the power from on high and in turn they impart this anointing and God's power on people they come in contact. Praise the Lord! For His goodness and kindness endures forever. New churches are planted where churches do not exist, particularly in the rural areas.

The regular and routine church schedules

1.Revival and Miracle Crusade, Pastors Seminar and power Conferences
2. Magazine and Cassettes, School of Music, Audio and Video Cassettes and Healing Stripes Choir
3.Discipleship & Missionary Training
4. Conventions
5.Prayer Ministries, Personal Evangelism, and Counseling
6.Youths-Children-Women's Ministry
7. Radios, TV, and other Mass Media Ministries


These crusades are conducted under the direction of the Holy Ghost and according to the Centered will of the Triune God. They function systemically, starting right from small villages to cities across the country of India and around the globe. The Lord directed Rev. Dr. Victor Solomon Isaac to take this message of hope to the perishing millions. In every crusade, the manifestation of the presence of the Lord is unique. The Eternal Gospel is shared in different languages. At the time of prayer, the presence of the Lord descends on each who pours out to be a sacrifice to reach God. The act of God reaching man is termed as Grace and the act of man reaching God is termed as Faith. Praise the Lord! People are delivered in these Revival Crusades and experience remarkable miracles. All glory belongs to 'Him' alone. These crusades are conducted with the co-operation of local pastors and spiritual leaders. People from different backgrounds, irrespective of their caste, creed, color and nationality attend and find LIFE full of meaning by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Soon after the crusade the decision cards / prayer requests are taken up and the follow up work is streamlined to see that the new ones are matured in the word of God. Local Churches play a vital role and see these souls follow their master.


Seminars and conferences are conducted in order to teach and encourage the pastors with the up-to-date spiritual guidance. During these programs, the most important part is to allow the question hour and to give the infallible values of the Holy Scriptures. We believe that for every problem there is a solution clearly seen in the Holy Scriptures. We up-hold, teach, and impart the Holy Ghost fire upon every believer who attends these conferences. After attending these programs, the pastors and active workers rejoice in the spirit and when they reach their native areas, they become very effective in their respective churches. All praise to the name of Jesus.


These cassettes bring the Cutting Edge of the Word of the Lord and 'His' Miracles are manifested among people. These are anointed by the Lord. As these cassettes are played, demons are cast out and people are healed in their body soul and spirit.


The choir with the musicians plays a vital role in presenting the gospel through songs and music. At present, our choir sings in nine languages. Those who take part in these activities are anointed of the Lord to carry the message of hope to different people who speak different languages. The musicians and the choir are taught to fast and pray before every program is presented.


Healing Stripes Magazine was registered with the Registrar of newspapers in India, New Delhi in the year 1986. It is also registered with the same authority to publish Healing Stripes Magazines in different Indian languages. All these magazines have established a very broad subscriber base and are very popular among the masses for its simplicity in type and form. The general public has identified all these publications as originating from the Organization. The Organization today, has established a reputation of being a house old name in many Indian families, considering the number of years they have been involved in the field of social and mission related work.


In economic way magazines are produced to increase the reader's faith in the Lord and His word. Magazines are published in different vernacular languages to reach the unreached. As the people read they are blessed, their spiritual eyes are opened, and they march into the new realm with faith and vigor for the Lord. The testimonies and other teachings encourage and renew the minds of many people. Surely these will upgrade the readers with heaven sent manna and revelations.


On invitations from different places we travel to different destinations of the country to preach, teach, and give practical Christian training to those who attend these conventions, thereby we build up a cordial relationship between different denominational churches and ministries.


24 hour's prayer line is available under any situation to any person on the earth. We serve the world through this prayer ministry. Hundreds and thousands of prayer requests are answered like lightening from the presence of the Lord. We are just channels and the Lord Jesus Christ is the source of all Blessings.


Believers are taught the principles of the kingdom of God and they are motivated to get in touch with each individual at a time to wisely present the Gospel of Jesus Christ through their lives, words and their actions. Christian Counseling is rendered to anyone who wants to know more about the word of God to change their state of mind and lives.
Youth, Children and Women's Ministry: Right from their young age, children are taught with the word of God. Lot of Bible Stories is simplified with morals in them. Deep studies are given to deserving children. The Lord has wonderfully blessed the children's ministry. Women's Wing is very actively engaged with their disciplined approach to people who are really in need of God. The Lord has been using the women's wing to do excellent jobs for the kingdom of God.

“And the King shall answer and say unto them, verily I say unto you, in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Mt-25: 40

Healing Stripes Medical Mission is a registered voluntary organization established with the aim to offer a community based rehabilitation in childhood disability in rural areas and thus enabling people with disability to become mobile and integrated into the mainstream.

It so happened that when Dr.V.S. Samuel Paul Isaac, Executive Director & founder of Healing Stripes Rehabilitation Center started reaching the rural community he came across many disabled children who were in real need of rehabilitation & were deprived of the service due to their economical status. This situation, made him to find a real path to create access to people with disabilities, so that they could lead a life with dignity and respect. This ignited the desire for Dr. Sam to reach unconditionally to the common man & render service at his best. Thus in the year 1997 he started treating the disabled children in a small hut at Majjige Hosahalli, Devanahalli Taluk. He started reaching the unreached villages with an aim to render his service.

He traveled 75 km fromBangalore during his weekends totreat the physically challenged. Thenews of his effective treatment soonspread through Majjige Hosahalli& the neighboring villages. Theinflow of physically challengedchildren was rapidly increasing dayby day. Lack of proper alternativesforced Dr.Sam to continue treatingpatients at a small hut.

The center was loaded with multi category disabilities such as polio, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, down's syndrome, injection palsy, erb's palsy, loco-motor disabilities, autism, visual impaired, hearing impaired, speech impaired, learning disabilities, scholastic backwardness. All these cases were a challenge to the center. The teamwork & their dedication at the center were outstanding & thus the recovery of the physically challenged children & their satisfaction was remarkable.

The center started conducting health camps & awareness programs at various villages with an aim to reach the unreached communities. Over 250-300 people visit the camp every time it is conducted. Healing Stripes uses community based rehabilitation approach, which is emphasized to build rehabilitation on the local strength without disintegrating people with disabilities from their communities.

In addition to the above, the Organization is also a registered trust under the Society Registration Act, registered vide document bearing No.201/9596.

Tax exemption for all contribution made to the Organization have also been exempted under Sec. 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

The Organization has been permitted to receive foreign contributions under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act for it various social and medical projects.

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